Visit the Workers’ Compensation Resource Library: Over 2,000 Articles Available for Republishing |
Work Comp Roundup’s workers compensation content library contains over 2,000 articles available for republishing. The articles comprehensively cover many areas of workers compensation programs and cost containment.
Written primarily by a national expert on workers compensation cost containment with over 25 years experience in the industry, the library also contains articles by other well-respected, knowledgeable professionals.
The library’s content is wide-ranging and covers nearly every aspect of workers compensation cost containment for employers, including topics like these:
- Immediate Claim Reporting Advantages
- 10 New Years Work Comp Resolutions for the Employer
- How to Grade Your Workers Compensation Claim Adjuster
- When Employees are Behind the Wheel Doing Something Other Than Driving
- 15 Things You MUST HAVE from Your Workers Comp Nurse Manager
- 4 EASY Ways an Employer Can Stay Involved When Settling Work Comp Claims
- 11 Red Flags of Employee Workers Compensation Fraud
- Common Sense Considerations for Hiring Safer and More Productive Employees
- 10 Costly Mistakes Employers Make in Controlling Workers Compensation Insurance
- Office Ergonomics
- Seven Ways to Retire Your Old Dog Claims
- Study of Supervisors Misdeeds Impact on Employee Health and Productivity
- Comorbidity and Workers Compensation
- Fourteen Steps Employers Can Take to Manage Workers Compensation Claims
- 5 Simple Things to Do When a Workers Compensation Injury Occurs
- 12 Ways to Stay in Touch – List Each Step of YOUR Process
- 10 Elements to Design, Implement and Control Workers Compensation Costs
- Six Tips to Get Your Employees on Board with Transitional Duty Programs
- Know the Basic Types of Drug Testing
- Workers Rarely Ask Managers for Workplace Safety Information
- Shooting Blanks Can Be Deadly for Employer and All Bystanders
- 6 Things Adjusters Wish Their Clients Knew
- 10 Situations Where Workers Comp Benefits are Denied and Lower Work Comp Costsrkers
- 14 Steps to Manufacturing Facility Safety
- Leakage Audits Find 19 Types of Workers” Compensation Claim Leakage
- Nine Medical Cost Containment Strategies to Reduce OVERALL Costs
- Three Ways Indemnity Payments are Delivered, or Not
- The Dangers of Under Reserving
- 26 Red Flags of Medical Provider Fraud in Workers Compensation
- 6 Ways Medical Treatment Can Be Stopped or Disputed in a Work Comp Claim
- TEN Steps Every Adjuster Should Perform in a Workers Comp Claim Investigation
- Four Possible Ways to Reduce the Potential Large Dollar Injury Claim
- How to Obtain Fair Settlements with Better Negotiation Strategies
- 8 Keys to Winning Work Comp Claims in Litigation
- Investigating the Occupational Disease Claim is a Complex Process
- Five Questionable Workers” Compensation Injuries
- Leakage – 6 Ways Insurance Companies Control It In Workers Compensation Claims
- Disability Duration Course for Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries
- 10 Red Flags in Workers Comp Psychiatric Evaluations
- Five Times to Use Nurse Case Management
- Four Methods for Pain Management in Workers” Compensation Injuries
- Eight Clues You Need to Call a Special Investigation Unit
- 5 Times to Just Settle that Workers” Compensation Claim File
- Obesity Drives the Cost of Work Injuries Sky High
- Know 8 Costly Mistakes Workers’ Comp Adjusters Make
- Seven Reasons Med-Only Claims Become Lost Time
- Medical Fraud in Workers” Comp. – You Might Be Part of the Problem
- The First 6 Items Adjusters Look at When Receiving a New Claim
Republishing Options*
- Content in our Article Library is sold under licensing arrangements to third parties for a content-sharing fee. Contact us for fees.
- FREE -The title and first paragraph of an article may be extracted and linked back to the article on Workers Comp Roundup blog attached, with the phrase: "read more…"
- Occasionally, reprint usage is exchanged for our ad on your website, in your newsletter, and/or on your promotional material.
- FREE – Usage is provided to you via an RSS feed.
- A feed is provided for a certain topic, (WC 101, Cost Containment, Employee Leasing, etc.).
- SOMETIMES FREE – 1-2 articles may be requested to reprint on a one-time basis for no charge provided this is done in advance and our author, copyright, disclaimer and our entire footer is contained in the article. A signed agreement is needed in advance for this option.
* These options may change without notice at any time.
For more information about licensing and republishing Workers’ Comp Resource Center content, please contact us.
Custom Private Workers Compensation Article Library
Our custom private workers compensation article libraries are a great way to communicate directly with a select audience, whether it is internal or external.
We have an archive of hundreds of workers compensation articles and we add to that weekly, plus we can write articles specifically for your audience.
We can set-up a private online archive of the content you need using one of many template designs to compliment your brand. We can even build a custom mini site that matches an existing corporate website design theme.
You can see two sample archive template designs here:
Workers Comp Article Library – Template # 1 | Workers Comp Article Library – Template # 2
The Workers’ Comp Cost Reduction Resource Center website offers for redistribution Workers’ Compensation news, information, and tools for employers, insurers, and medical providers.
Our original content is created by top-level expert in their respective fields, so you are ensured of delivering valuable up-to-date information to your targeted constituents. Our content can be customized to maximize its value to your readers, internal and/or external, and your business.
For more information about custom workers’ comp business services, please contact us.
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